There is global demand for quality, sustainably grown, clean and green New Zealand primary products. We are here to help provide that.

The Challenge

There is global demand for quality, sustainably grown, clean and green New Zealand primary products. This has led to unprecedented growth in the horticulture industry. This growth has resulted in a demand for a skilled work force to meet the needs of horticultural enterprises across New Zealand and in the Bay of Plenty in particular.

The workforce in the Horticulture sector is expected to grow by 11.7 percent by 2032, from 66,000 in 2019 to around 74,000 in 2032. This growth is primarily driven by growth in “core production“ sectors/industries such as kiwifruit growing and apples and pear growing.

Not only is the work force predicted to grow but the percentage of that work force required to be skilled is predicted to increase significantly. In 2012, an estimated 44% of employees in the primary industries had formal, post-school qualifications. It is predicted that in 2032 skilled workers (management and semi-autonomous) will make up 61.7% of the workforce, with unskilled workers being only 38.3%.

Source: NZIER-MPI-workforce-forecasts-for-2032

There is a shortage of well-defined pathways into the industry with no existing platform to link secondary schools to tertiary and industry requirements. There is a clear gap between the skills needed and those available.


The Solution

The Katikati Innovative Horticulture Trust has established a project that provides a solution to these needs.

It is unique, innovative and pioneering and is supported by industry with a focus on growing a skilled horticultural work force. This project is about creating and sustaining a centre of horticultural educational excellence catering for school aged students, young people not in education, employment or training, (NEETs) and the community. It brings together education, skills and training providers offering pathways into horticulture, under one umbrella, based at Katikati College.